Friday, April 03, 2009

parental management....the greatest challenge of all

can you even imagine what it's like to go out of your way a BAZILLION times over and over and over and over for a little person you love beyond life. The act of standing by your baby through thick and thin through all of life's stages. the art of making major life choices to improve and grow to be a better person, a better parent --- to work hard to lead by example, show your young one to follow their dreams even if it means sacrifice. To believe in "truth" ---to follow the light, to respect and listen to those who know and have been ther before and ---to trust that mom is not a ding-dong that was born yesterday? Man oh I owe my parents THE BIGGEST APOLOGY ever.

good luck to all the parents out there who are raising teenagers, and best of luck to all and not be marred or jolted by the teenage years. it makes no difference sometimes how good you are, or what doors of wisdom you open to show them the way. rebellion, challenge, defiance etc etc comes in all shapes and sizes regardless, no matter what ---and no matter how hard you try to save them from the stumbling blocks..

wow....was i just like this???? i wonder??? hindsight is......


pedro said...

this seems like one that deserves a detailed story!

b-luv said...

too worn out to bother.........

HELL(cat) ON WHEELS said...

I feel you.... five of my own... oldest is almost 17 her dearly, but geez the agony! :)