Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday --the typical TGIF

We had the warmest winter day ever today and I couldn`t have been happier out on the bike. Laura and Ryan were laughing at me in my thermal jacket, especially since Ryan was sporting bare legs on our ride---but I just wanted to be hot.....and I didn`t care if I looked like a total dufus with all of my warm stuff on. It felt great!
After the ride, I went off and taught a yoga class at one of the health clubs in town. It was my last class there for the season. Time to change channels. I always feel a little strange saying good-bye to people that I`ve worked with, as I usually beome quite attached to my students. It happens every year when it`s time to start the season. This particular group was really into having me there to teach, and they were not very happy to see me go --even if they were supportive of my endeavors. That`s just the way it works here in my`s always revolving. I had to stop by the bike shop this afternoon and who would have guessed --Greg Lemond was there. I was introduced to him and we proceeded to have a most enjoyable, and somewhat lengthy conversation. He is REALLY a nice guy. He was there with his two sons, just being a good Dad and a friendly man. I like that. It was a good day. Now I am home for the evening, and loving the fact that I have nothing to do. Finally I can finish unpacking my bags from training camp --- one week after getting home! Lauren and I are taking it up over the Geysers tomorrow. Yup it`s gonna be nice......Hope you all have a great weekend.

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